Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fritz Welcomes the Proposed Tanning Bed Tax

While the U.S. Senate appears to have the necessary 60 votes to pass its version of health care reform, this evening I am cheering one of the latest amendments to this legislation.  A 10% tax on tanning bed services is included in the Senate version of this historical bill. I believe that this tax is a positive first step towards bringing much needed attention to this dangerous business. There is already some criticism that the tanning bed tax will affect the middle class more than the plastic surgery tax that it replaced in this legislation. We are hopeful that this criticism is correct. If so, then it will be the middle class that is discouraged from potential deadly exposure to tanning beds. See my previous blogs on tanning beds at and
Similar to the dangers of cigarette smoking, tanning bed exposure not only increases the probability of incurring life-threatening cancer, but also is a financial burden to our already tapped out health care system. I applaud the proposed 10% tax on tanning bed services and encourage you to do the same.

Thank you.


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